Code-Along: Edit Dino Blog

Let's implement state in our blog.


Let's implement state in our blog by making the body or content a mutable value.

Steps to Achieve

  1. Set an initial state prop in your component that contains content or body for posts.

  2. Add a button to somewhere in your page (up to you which component to add to!). This button should onClick open an alert that takes a value.

  3. Take the user inputed value into the alert box and use that return value to update the state of the body or content of your post.

Some things to note:

  1. Set an initial state for our App component. The state object should have an attribute called body. Remove the prop we set for App and put it into the initial state instead. The value of this.state.body should be Check out this body property!.

  2. Modify App's render() method so that it uses the body from state, not props.

  3. Create a changeBody() method inside App that updates body based on a user's input.

    • You should use setState somewhere in this method.

    • How can you get user input? Keep it simple and start with prompt.

  4. Add a button to App's render() method that triggers changeBody().

Solution Image

This is what your solution should look like.

Last updated