TypeScript allows us to declare the shape of our types, variables and functions in separate files (for globals and/or modules). By using, the extension .d.ts the TypeScript Compiler/Linter can use these declarations in your project.
If you happen to be writing a library or working on a large project, this might be a good option. Today we will declare our types inline and at the head of our file.
// this function will return a stringdeclarefunctionparseString(str:string):string;// this var will be a numberdeclarevar myNum:number;// this var will be a stringdeclarevar name:string;// hey look an interface we can use of contact infodeclareinterfaceContactInfo { firstName:string; lastName:string; email:string; phone:string;}// the shape of a Cat classdeclareclassCat { name:string; breed:string; age:number;// methods for collecting and destroyingcollect(name:string, breed:string, age:number):voiddestroy(id:number):boolean}export {}
When using third-party libraries like Express, Sequelize or Mongoose it can be annoying and frustrating trying to determine what our Types should be.
// note the imports used in node for typescript import express from'express';import dotenv from'dotenv';dotenv.config();constapp:express.Application=express();constport:number|string=process.env.PORT||3001app.get('/', (req:express.Request, res:express.Response) => {res.send('Wow I just wrote so much more code to accomplish this than I would with JavaScript')})app.listen(port, ():void=>{console.log(`"Typing" too much on port: ${port}`)})
Lucky for us the fine folks at Definitely Typed have created a repo of type declarations that can be installed via npm for most of the libraries that are widely used.
Once installed, we can basically write normal javascript while implementing the Type guards of TS... making the example above look like this:
import express from'express';import dotenv from'dotenv';dotenv.config();constapp=express();constport:number|string=process.env.PORT||3001app.get('/', (req, res) => {res.send('Wow I just wrote so much more code to accomplish this than I would with JavaScript')})app.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Feeling better about this on port: ${port}`)})