Learning Resources
Go small and create examples with interactive editors, like Codepen. Then, embed them into your portfolio! Some ideas:
Create flags of the world using HTML/CSS or SVG
Create a responsive grid framework
Try duplicating popular pens, or get inspiration to create your own masterpieces
Follow the CSS Tricks blog and try out new selectors. Some great CSS Tricks pages:
Additional CSS Frameworks
Make your own! Start small and build it up
Watch this video on the JavaScript Event Loop. A must if you want to gain a deeper understanding of JavaScript
You Don't Know JS - This series will elevate your JavaScript knowledge to a new level
Articles with JavaScript must-knows
Javascript for Kids (PDF here)
Eloquent Javascript (PDF here)
Javascrip30 (Or really any course by wes bos.)
ES6 and Beyond
ES6 Features - ES6 becoming more and more prevalent, so become familiar with it
NodeSchool - Learn more about Node I/O, modules, and streams. Amazing examples, 10/10.
Node Hackathon Starter - Auth + API examples + test suite, out of the box. Great for quick projects
Microservices: Creating isolated applications that perform single tasks. Basically, they're Express applications that are simple and well-defined, with a couple routes.
FreeCodeCamp microservice projects (note that these are open-ended projects, not tutorials)
Amazon Web Services - AWS provides a 12-month free tier for getting started with cloud services, as well as a plethora of documentation for using their services
Docker - Docker is a tool for deploying applications in sandboxed containers, which provide a level of isolation between applications
Heroku Application Architecture - note that a lot of these concepts exist in AWS and elsewhere
Front-End Frameworks
Angular 1.x Testing
Sinatra, an Express-like framework for Ruby
Increasing Development Speed
Nerd out on some VS Code extensions like these ones
Many people swear by VIM as their text editor (due to keyboard shortcuts)
Sublime plugins (
, to bring up this up in Sublime)AngularJS
Bootstrap 3 Snippets
Color Highlighter
Markdown Preview
Beginner's Guide to Webpack - module bundling for front-end dependencies
Computer Science
VisuAlgo - data structure and algorithm visualizations
Learn2Sort (Make a PR to add a new sort to this app here)
Paid General Resources
These are some great educational resources for continued learning. Note that these are paid resources
Free if you have a Seattle Public Library card
Basically the entire tech section in a bookstore
Interview Prep
Review your Github and be able to explain your coding choices
This may involve cleaning up previous assignments/projects by fixing bugs, improving styling, and making sure things are deployed
Review the interview questions assignment.
Review other common interview questions. Make sure that if you are interviewing for a specific role or set of technologies, that you find interview questions on those technologies. For example, a Rails job will require you to know more about Ruby and Rails. A front-end job will require you to know more about HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
Glassdoor (look up the company you're applying for)
Practice coding challenges and whiteboarding
Note that if you're freelancing, it may involve writing contracts, managing money coming in/out, pricing yourself, etc. Here are some links that may come in handy.
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