For password protection we'll use bcrypt. Bcrypt creates highly secure salted passswords. Learn more about bcrypt: bcrypt wiki. Note that bcrypt hashes passwords in an extremely secure way. It differs from other hashing methods like MD5 by putting a roadblock in the way between the hash and a hacker (specifically, time). Let's see how this works.
To use bcrypt in node we need to install / use the bcrypt npm module.
Install bcrypt
Hash password
bcrypt.hash() takes 3 parameters
Password to hash -- self explanitory
Rounds -- Number of rounds of processing when generating the salt. The higher the number, the longer it takes to generate the hash, and the more secure the hash.
Callback function (called when the hashing completes)
There's also a synchronous version of this function called bcrypt.hashSync
Note about rounds: The higher the number, the longer it will take for a potential hacker to crack the password via brute-force. HOWEVER, it also takes longer to create the password. The default value of 10 takes less than a second. A value of 13 will take about a second. 25 will take about an hour and 30 will take DAYS to complete. The default value of 10 is perfectly fine for now.
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