
A handy module for interacting with RESTful APIs is ngResource. Instead of using $http over and over again, we can use ngResource to define an endpoint with HTTP verbs.

Illustrating $resource

Before we dive into the service, let's see a simple example of using ngResource.

var resourceObject = $resource('http://localhost:3000/api/airplanes/:id');

We'll be showing a more complete example in a moment, but notice that we can create a resource by using the $resource service. By providing a URL with a spot for an id parameter, this object will provide us the following methods:

resourceObject.get([params], [success], [error]) //GET :id[params], postData, [success], [error]) //POST
resourceObject.query([params], [success], [error]) //GET all
resourceObject.remove([params], postData, [success], [error]) //DELETE :id

Woah, a RESTful interface for working with a RESTful API.

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