Sublime Packages

Setting up User Settings

  • Open Sublime Text

  • Go to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User

  • Replace the file with the settings object below:

  "tab_size": 2,
  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
  "scroll_past_end": true

Setting up Package Control in Sublime Text

  • Open Sublime Text

  • Bring up the console

    • Use CTRL + ` on OSX

    • or View > Show Console

  • Go to and paste the appropriate code into your Terminal

    • You should be using Sublime Text 3, so copy the Sublime Text 3 code.

  • Restart Sublime

Install Sublime Packages

  • Type COMMAND + SHIFT + P to open the Command Palette

    • CTRL + SHIFT + P on Linux

  • Type Install Package and select the first result (by pressing ENTER)

  • Type the package you want to install, and press ENTER to begin installation.

Useful Packages that you should install

  • ColorPicker (pick colors by typing COMMAND + SHIFT + c, handy for CSS)

  • Color Highlighter (visually displays colors for hex/rgb values)

  • EditorConfig (reads configuration files for your editor)

  • GitGutter (shows git additions/deletions)

  • Terminal (launch a terminal window from a folder on the sidebar)

  • BracketHighlighter (highlight brackets and tabs)

  • Bootstrap 3 Snippets (tab snippets for Bootstrap 3 elements)

  • EJS (syntax definition, we'll use this when working with Node)

  • Sass (syntax definition, we'll use this when working with Rails)

  • Babel (syntax definition, we'll use this when working with React)

  • JSX (syntax definition, we'll use this when working with React)

Feel free to install any others, and we'll install others throughout the course.

Important Note: It is not recommended that you install anything that auto-formats or "prettifies" your code. These are generally hindersome to beginners for learning basic indentation and often are not built well which ends up causing a lot of errors. Do not use these!

Creating a Snippet (Optional)

We'll use a lot of snippets when working with Bootstrap, and you can make your own as well.

  • Go to Tools > New Snippet

  • Include the content of your snippet inside <![CDATA[ ]]> within the <content> element.

  • To define how to trigger the snippet, uncomment the <tabTrigger> line and type the keyword for your tab trigger.

  • To trigger the snippet only on certain files (for example, only HTML, or only JavaScript), uncomment the <scope> tag and change the scope to the language you need.

  • More details and advanced functionality can be found in this handy blog post

Last updated

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